Apurva Shah

San Francisco | Loading... | Loading... °F

hey, I'm apurva. welcome to my little corner of the web. i created this space so i can share some of the things i have been working on. hope you find something you like <3


Listening to
and slowly reading



  • Colors from Los Angeles is a the culmination of the time that I spent in Los Angeles. The documentation of the dreams, people, and moments that shaped who I am today. This is a work in progress, and the link below is just what inspired this project.

  • CheatCodes is my way of sharing my lived experiences with you. CheatCodes includes culture, thoughts, and momentary glimpses into my life.


I have always been was fascinated by the way that the smallest moments in life had the ability to move me. Ever since I first felt that pull, I've been captivated—obsessed, really—with finding a way to catch these fleeting moments and share them through my eyes.

Visit my portfolio on YouTube